2020–2021 Fourth Building Culture Report

In cooperation with the Research Institute for Urban Management and Governance at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (Prof. Verena Madner), the Plattform Baukulturpolitik has won the contract from the Federal Ministry of Art and Culture, Public Service and Sport for the Fourth Building Culture Report. The task was to develop a concept for an building culture agency and a building culture subsidy program for cities and municipalities.

The program is to be initiated at the federal level and implemented in cooperation with the states and municipalities. I was leading the project with a team of about ten people (Barbara Feller, Lisa-Maria Grob, Rupert Halbartschlager, Renate Hammer, Christian Kühn, Elisabeth Leitner, Gerhard Kopeinig, Verena Madner, Reinhard Seiß, Klaus Wolfsgruber, Sibylla Zech). Here you can find the report as PDF.

Cover Fourth Building Culture Report. Design: BKA Design & Grafik
Scenario 1: Kleindorf. Design: BKA Design & Grafik
Objectives of the proposed bulding culture agency. Design: BKA Design & Grafik
Scenario 2: Mittelort. Design: BKA Design & Grafik
Structure of the proposed building culture agency. Design: BKA Design & Grafik
Scenario 3: Schönstadt. Design: BKA Design & Grafik