I am an independent architectural and urban researcher and consultant in Vienna. I studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and completed the postgraduate program in sociology at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna. I am concerned with the use and production of architecture and the city with a focus on housing, urban design and public space.
Spokesperson of the Plattform Baukulturpolitik (Platform for Building Culture Policy) since 2013, member of the Advisory Board for Building Culture at the Ministry of Culture since 2013. Co-founder and board member of the Initiative für gemeinschaftliches Bauen und Wohnen (Initiative for Community Building and Living) 2009 to 2019. Previously chairman of the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (Austrian Society for Architecture, ÖGFA) 2003 to 2009, board member 1998 to 2010. Co-founder of WoGen Wohnprojekte-Genossenschaft e. Gen. and supervisory board chairman since its founding in 2015 until 2023.
I am author of Baukultur for Urban Neighbourhoods. Process Culture through Concept Tendering (BBSR 2020); Ein Stück Stadt bauen. Leben am Helmut-Zilk-Park (Building a piece of the city. Living at Helmut Zilk Park, Stadt Wien/ÖBB 2019); and “Design instead of participation. The Vienna Sargfabrik as a sample project of urban life” in Together! The New Architecture of the Collective (2017); etc.; and co-author of the Fourth Building Culture Report Baukulturpolitik konkret: Der Weg zur Agentur für Baukultur (Building culture policy concrete: The way to a Building Culture Agency, BMKÖS 2021); and of “Observing the Doings of Built Spaces. Principles of an Ethnography of Materiality” (HSR 2014); Temporary Spaces. Concepts for the Use of City Spaces (Birkhäuser 2006); etc.