City of Vienna, Architecture and Urban Design
Many projects were commissioned by the Department of Architecture and Urban Design of the City of Vienna (Magistratsabteilung 19) (e.g. roof extensions, protected zones, supermarkets). A main focus is the supervision of the Building Culture theme for the city since 2012 until today, among other things by means of working groups on several building culture-related topics (education, climate, security, art, circular economy). The most recent project is the study on conservation and obsolescence.
Ministry of Culture (BMKÖS)/Federal Chancellery (AUT)
As one of the speakers of Plattform Baukulturpolitik, I support the office of the Advisory Council for Building Culture at the Ministry of Culture. In addition, I am the Platform’s representative on the Advisory Council and was a member of the editorial group for the federal guidelines on building culture.
Plattform Baukulturpolitik
Since 2013 I have been one of the three spokespersons of the Plattform Baukulturpolitik (Platform for Building Culture Policy). In addition to this function, I work on projects for the Ministry of Culture and other clients, e.g. I was involved in the preparation of all previous Baukultureports and took over the project management for the most recent, Fourth Baukulturreport, and I am project manager of the research project Quality Criteria for Buildings and Neighbourhoods based on the New European Bauhaus for the FFG.
Commissioned by the municipal development company WSE Wiener Standortentwicklung GmbH, I organized the concept tendering procedure for Helmut Richter’s listed former school building on Kinkplatz in Vienna.
Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR)
On behalf of the German BBSR (Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development), I researched concept tendering procedures in ten German cities from 2017 to 2019, the results are published.
City of Vienna, District Planning and Land Use
The Department of District Planning (Magistratsabteilung 21 A/B) commissioned me with several projects: Evaluation/basics of cooperative planning procedures, urban quality assurance.
City of Vienna, Technical Urban Renewal
As part of the team of the Gebietsbetreuung Nord (district service north), I work on urban renewal projects (Bildungsmeile) and district management (Gemeinsam wissen wir mehr, Stadtteilmanagement Muthgasse). The client is the Technical Urban Renewal (Magistratsabteilung 25).
City of Vienna, Housing Promotion
The unit of housing research of Housing Promotion (Magistratsabteilung 50) commissioned me with several studies: Baugemeinschaften in Wien 1/2, Baugemeinschaften in der Seestadt Aspern, Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen hat Zukunft. Furthermore, IBA_Wien commissioned me with a discussion project in the Sonnwendviertel.
City of Vienna, Urban Development and Planning
I produced a number of publications and exhibition projects for the strategic planning department (Magistratsabteilung 18): Leben am Helmut-Zilk-Park, Stadt bauen, Stadt am Prater and many individual contributions. In preparation for the Vienna Urban Development Plan 2035, I produced the study Culture and Urban Planning (and the study Conservation and Obsolescence commissioned by MA 19).
Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB)
On behalf of ÖBB, I organised concept tendering procedures for “Quartiershäuser” and building cooperatives in the Sonnwendviertel Ost for 16 plots. These were the first Viennese concept tendering procedures outside of the developer competitions.
Wien 3420 Aspern Development GmbH
Since 2011 I have been taking minutes for the Quality Advisory Board of Seestadt Aspern. In addition, I was able to produce two publications for the 3420, one on the activities of the advisory board and one on building cooperatives in Vienna, and to investigate the potential of new procedure models for Seestadt.
Die WoGen Wohnprojekte-Genossenschaft e. Gen.
In 2015, I founded the first new housing cooperative in Austria together with ten fellow campaigners. I have been chairman of the supervisory board since the founding year.
Initiative für gemeinschaftliches Bauen und Wohnen
Together with others, I founded the Initiative for Community Building and Housing in 2009 as a platform for exchange on community housing. I served on the board for ten years until 2019. I have worked on a variety of projects for the initiative.
Architektur aktuell
Since 1999 I have been writing regularly for the architecture magazine Architektur aktuell, including the Web Review column and architecture reviews.
ARE Austrian Real Estate
I advised the development company ARE of the Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft (BIG) on the subject of building cooperatives and procedures for building cooperatives for the Wildgarten and Village im Dritten sites.
Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (FFG)
I am and was in research teams of several projects funded by the Research Promotion Agency FFG, including Quality criteria for buildings and neighbourhoods based on the New European Bauhaus, Co-Hope (Collaborative Housing in a Pandemic Era) in the framework of JPI Urban Europe, Wohnen 4.0 – Digitale Plattform für leistbares Wohnen and Baustelle Schule – Nachhaltige Sanierungsmodelle für Schulen.
Architekturzentrum Wien (Az W)
In 2000/01 I organised the series of events mittwochs for the Az W. Since then I have been involved in events and publications of the Az W time and again. In the exhibition The Making of Architecture by Elke Krasny, I was in charge of the part about the tools of the profession.
University of Technology Vienna
I held several lectures at TU Wien between 2009 and 2011 and was involved in several research projects carried out at TU Wien (Modes of Design, School Building Code Exemplar, Living 4.0).
Montag Stiftung Urbane Räume, Montag Stiftung Jugend und Gesellschaft
On behalf of the two Montag Foundations for urban spaces and for youth and society, I worked together with a team from the Vienna University of Technology on a project on the topic of frameworks and guidelines for efficient school construction in Germany.
University of Technology Graz
From 2013 to 2016, together with Markus Bogensberger, I supervised the course “Ausgewählte Kapitel des Wohnbaus” (Selected Chapters of Housing Construction) at TU Graz.
Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen (D)
After working on the Austrian Federal Guidelines for Building Culture, I was invited into the editorial group for the Guidelines for Building Culture in Germany in 2020.
UN Habitat
For the research project “Urban Maestro”, funded by UN Habitat, I wrote an expertise on concept tendering procedures in Germany.
Saint Gobain
On behalf of companies of the Saint Gobain Group, I organised three Housing Biennials in Vienna between 2008 and 2013 together with Sabine Pollak and Maja Lorbek.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur (ÖGFA)
From 1998 to 2010 I was on the board of the Austrian Architectural Society (ÖGFA), from 2003 to 2009 as chairman. During this time I was able to implement many projects together with the team, including the series Links von Wien , Architektur und Forschung(architecture and research), Jubiläumsbauvisiten (anniversary architecture visits), Utopien des Alltäglichen (utopias of the everyday) and Architektur und Politik (architecture and politics), as well as the conferences Lifescapes and Studio.
uma information technology GmbH
Between 1999 and 2013 I worked on a variety of projects on behalf of uma, including the digital exhibition schafft.wissen, a study on a science centre in Vienna, studies on cultural heritage, consulting for the WWTF, collaboration on the Mozart anniversary exhibition at the Albertina and the Scope II conference. This also includes consulting for the Creative Industries Promotion Agency of the City of Vienna departure.
Delugan Meissl
At the beginning of my professional career I worked for the then not yet or newly founded architectural office Delugan Meissl. Among other things, I worked with Roman Delugan on the competition project for the Wagner-Jauregg Hospital in Linz and on behalf of Delugan Meissl on projects for the Donau-City, the Wienerberg City, the Linz Tobacco Factory, the Galaxie Tower and Vienna Airport.
During my studies I worked as a functionary of the Austrian Student Uniob (ÖH) at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. As part of the work for the ÖH, we implemented several projects, including the magazine 71133, the selection process for Kunst am Silo, the Verein schafft Kunst and the architecture project Metafenster.