Building cooperatives are a special type of housing project in which the future residents develop their homes themselves, buy a plot of land together, plan it with architects and finally build it. Such projects are often particularly innovative in terms of sustainability, mixed use, architectural quality and social aspects.
Projects about Building Cooperatives
2022–2025 Co-Hope 2021–2022 Wien seit 1989: Alternative Wohnformen 2021–2022 Building Community Search Village im Dritten 2017 Baugemeinschaftspreis 2017 Leuchtturm Seestadt 2016 Soziale Ausrichtung von Baugemeinschaften. Engagement und Herausforderung 2015 WoGen Wohnprojekte-Genossenschaft e.Gen. 2014 Gemeinsam Bauen und Wohnen in der Praxis 2013 Exhibition and workshop Gemeinschaftliches Wohnen hat Zukunft! Baugruppen und mehr 2012 Building cooperatives in the Vienna Seestadt Aspern 2012 Founding building cooperatives 2010 Infoabend Baugemeinschaften 2009 Initiative für gemeinschaftliches Bauen und Wohnen 2009 Studies on Building Cooperatives in Vienna