Event Series “Links von Wien” (Outside Vienna)
Concept and organisation of the event series Links von Wien. Planung in der Stadtlandschaft (Outside Vienna. Planning in Cityscape), Austrian Architectural Society (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Architektur, ÖGFA), with Christoph Laimer, Manfred Russo, Andreas Vass.
Excerpt from introduction:
While the discussion on the European city and especially Vienna usually goes about the historical image, rooftop extensions, empty ground floor spaces and preservation, the debate about the Zwischenstadt, the urban sprawl takes place only in the background. The historical cities is massively looked after, from Gebietsbetreuung (city quarter management) to Agenda 21 offices. But in the periphery, places of communication between politics, administration and citizens are rare. Whereas in the past, large and discursively designed planning processes were usual, this changed in the meantime to an economy of feasibility.
The problem starts even earlier, with the absence of large-scale regional planning in Austria, with administrative borders between nations, countries and municipalities, with traffic policies and site decisions like Wienerberg City, Monte Laa and Rothneusiedl; and with the missing discussion on decisions that influence the development of our spaces to live for the following decades.