2022–2025 Co-Hope

Co-Hope is a European research project funded by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe. It runs from 2022 to 2025 with project partners across Europe: the project is led by Lund University in Sweden, and also includes the University of Seville, the Vienna University of Technology, UrbaMonde France, the University of Lyon, the University of Tampere and a number of other initiatives and institutions. I am the Austrian consortium leader and will conduct research together with the TU Vienna, Urban Innovation Vienna (UIV) and the Initiative Gemeinsam Bauen und Wohnen. The topic of the project is collaborative housing in the pandemic era: it is about an international, inter- and transdisciplinary evaluation of such forms of housing, innovative approaches and policy recommendations as well as capacity building in this field. The project is funded by the Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft (Austrian Research Promotion Agency) FFG.

My central contribution was the development of the Guidebook Co-Creating Collaborative Housing Communities, which was developed in a series of workshops (Co-Hope Urban Living Lab) in Austria, France, Sweden and Spain.