Wohnen 4.0. Digitale Plattform für leistbares Wohnen
BMK (ed.): “Wohnen 4.0. Digitale Plattform für leistbares Wohnen” (Housing 4.0. digital platform for affordable housing), Reports on energy and environmental research 20/2023, Vienna 2023, Final report of the FFG project in the framework of the program “Stadt der Zukunft” of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), together with Sophia Pibal, Iva Kovacic, Maja Lorbek, Robin Jakoubek, Julia Reisinger, Martin Ilcik, Michael Wimmer, Bernhard Kerbl, Dario Travas, Adrijana Bajric, Elmar Hagmann, Christoph Hödl, 79 pp. The report is available online here (in German).